Test Context

Inspired by Playwright Fixtures, Vitest's test context allows you to define utils, states, and fixtures that can be used in your tests.


The first argument or each test callback is a test context.

import { it } from 'vitest'

it('should work', (ctx) => {
  // prints name of the test

Built-in Test Context


A readonly object containing metadata about the test.


The expect API which bound to the current test.

Extend Test Context

The contexts are different for each test. You can access and extend them within the beforeEach and afterEach hooks.

import { beforeEach, it } from 'vitest'

beforeEach(async (context) => {
  // extend context
  context.foo = 'bar'

it('should work', ({ foo }) => {
  console.log(foo) // 'bar'


To provide type for your custom context properties, you can aggregate the type TestContext by adding

declare module 'vitest' {
  export interface TestContext {
    foo?: string